Automatic Update Failing, Caught In Loop

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    Trying to run VorpX this evening, the program automatically starts to download a 44mb update. The problem is that the update fails, even when running the program with Admin access. Now I can not start VorpX at all, and it’s caught in a loop (continually starts to download everytime it’s launched).

    Can you either send a quick patch or, or let me know how I can disable this automatic update outside of the program (which won’t start now)?


    A full install will probably help.

    You can use the web installer that you received when you purchased vorpX for that. It will download the latest version available. If you don’t have your web installer anymore, you can get a new one here.


    Thanks, will give this a try with a fresh uninstall/reinstall.

    Just some more info to help debug this problem: After the update download finishd, the update program starts up and immediately quits with a message “Rolling back updates…” in the update window.

    Update: Full uninstall/reinstall worked.


    Same here. Repeatedly downloads the update, says ‘Rolling back changes’, then exits. With no option to not install.

    I’ll have to see if I still have the original installer.


    Found it, and it seems to have worked. But it also seems to have lost all my settings (at least in Skyrim).


    I had the same issue. rebooting Windows solved it for me. My guess was that some VorpX files were still being in use somehow so that the update couldn’t finish.


    Basically I am getting a “rollback” after install to 16.2.1 and unable to use the program… I was just going to try a reboot and request a new download as well.


    A full install will probably help.

    You can use the web installer that you received when you purchased vorpX for that. It will download the latest version available. If you don’t have the web installer anymore, you can get a new one here.

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