Since the last two updates of VorpX (December and January) I’m having problems with Automobilista: sometimes a character set appears at the start screen of the game and triangles while driving. See photos. When the character set is displayed the game continues: I can’t see it, but the menu ‘behind’ the screen is active and I can quit the game by blindly selecting the choices in the upper left corner. When the game is restarted it’s a 50% chance this does not happen again.
When starting to drive triangles are over the screen. Always the same triangles, not the random ones you’d see when the graphics card is overclocked (mine isn’t). They are coming from the HUD elements like the RPM needle and the clock for example, most elements are garbled. If I restart the game exactly the same erroneous triangles are displayed.
When Automobilista is started without VorpX active the game does not have these problems. And on older versions of VorpX I also did not have these problems. Other games (VR or not) do not have problems.
The cloud profile for Automobilista is based on rFactor. I tried multiple cloud profiles, they all have the same problem.
The problems appear in immersive screen mode and cinema mode. Changing settings in VorpX doesn’t help.
Full VR doesn’t display some elements properly and the image has a convergence problem so I never use(d) that.