Baldur’s Gate 3 takes ~5 minutes to start

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  • #217602

    FYI: Strange behavior when starting up Baldur’s Gate 3.

    1. Launch Baldur’s Gate 3 with Vorpx enabled
    2. VorpX latching window comes up as expected
    3. After 1-2 mins, VorpX shows timeout options
    4. Choose “do nothing” and the window closes
    5. After ~4.5 mins, finally see “press any key”

    This happens with or without Vorpx optimizing the settings.
    I’m on a 3080ti and in-game video options have no effect.
    I’m running OpenXR on a Varjo Aero running at 37 PPD.

    Not a showstopper if I give myself ~5 mins of lead time.


    do not use vulkan and install vorpx (DX10,11,12) hook helper


    Ive posted on the other thread about that.

    “I think what was happening to me is related because the game also crashed for me after the update and the loading thing was after the update.
    Go to AppData\Local\NVIDIA\DXCache and delete it, also close OVR processes before with ctlr+alt+sup. There are still a few files that cant be deleted because windows are using them but its fine.”

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