Batman Arkham Knight bodies invisible in sonar mode.

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    When you enable sonar mode enemies and various items becomes invisible.


    Not sure whether that will be fixable, probably related to some shader being disabled for other reasons. I’ll check whether something can be done, but no promises.

    If the glitch makes progressing in the game difficult somewhere, you should be able to work around it by switching to Z3D temporarily. The default shortcut is ALT+K (can be changed in the config app).


    Not sure whether that will be fixable, probably related to some shader being disabled for other reasons. I’ll check whether something can be done, but no promises.

    If the glitch makes progressing in the game difficult somewhere, you should be able to work around it by switching to Z3D temporarily. The default shortcut is ALT+K (can be changed in the config app).

    Yeah I tried all 3d modes it doesn’t work in any mode.


    Mmmh. Shaders are only disabled while G3D is active. If this also happens with Z3D active, the only thing left I can imagine is that maybe adjusting the field of view causes the issue, although that sounds rather unlikely. Otherwise I have no clue how vorpX could make objects disappear. Did you try without vorpX? Just to rule out it’s meant to be that way.


    Mmmh. Shaders are only disabled while G3D is active. If this also happens with Z3D active, the only thing left I can imagine is that maybe adjusting the field of view causes the issue, although that sounds rather unlikely. Otherwise I have no clue how vorpX could make objects disappear. Did you try without vorpX? Just to rule out it’s meant to be that way.

    Seems that Vorpx keeps changing the BMEngine.ini file located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Batman Arkham Knight\BMGame\Config folder. Supposedly if you turn off DepthOfField=False this causes characters to go invisible in Sonar mode. I deleted this entire folder and all the contents inside it verified integrity in Steam without Vorpx running and was able to restore the invisible characters. However, when I launched Vorpx with the game Vorpx changed the configuration file ini again and the bug reoccurred.


    Great find, who would have thought that. I’ll change it for the next vorpX release. Normal DOF effects typically look pretty bad in VR since they blur everything withount taking into account where you look at. Hence vorpX’s DirectVR on purpose disables DOF effects in FullVR mode whenever possible.

    Should only happen in FullVR mode though. If you play in immersive screen mode, which I think is the profile default, DOF will not get disabled.


    Just wanted to bump and say that this issue still occurs.


    Forgot about that last year. Done now, will be in the next update. Thanks again for the find!

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