Battlefield 1 Custom Resolution

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    I just got my hands on this game and i’ve been trying to use a custom 4:3 resolution in windowed mode and borderless windowed mode. I’ve tried to change the settings in game and using the PROFSAVE_profile file. It just stretches to a 16:9 size. Has anyone had any success in using a custom resolution or does this game just not allow it?


    I’ve been playing BF1 with custom resolutions working fine. Currently using a 5:4 res of 3008×2406 – a bit overkill, but it looks pretty good. If I try to go any higher res, the games menu options become unselectable, so I have to kill the game.

    Mine is working in fullscreen mode in game. This could be key to your problem.

    I’ve made around 20 varying custom 16:10 and 5:4 resolutions in Nvidia Control Panel, and most games see those and can accept them.

    Usually vorpx is pretty good at auto setting the aspect ratio, but you can try messing in the settings by pressing the delete key in game. I think there is a 4:3 setting. otherwise, maybe try a 5:4 resolution instead.

    oh and btw, I’ve been playing BF1 and SW Battlefront online for weeks now no problem. No ban or disconnect. Just for anyone who was wondering. These games look great in vorpx and utilize your hardware quite well so you can push the visuals more.


    Even in VorpX things stretch out. I actually got it to work by creating a custom resolution in the Nvidia control panel and using borderless windowed. I also noticed that you can adjust the size in windowed. I have a hotkey with ultramon to set the screen res but my folders get screwy. I’m going to poke around VorpX settings a bit to see if what you suggested works. I think there is a option for borders. Thanks for the reply. The game really does look amazing in VR.

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