There is a profile on the Cloud Profiles section by ‘omgzLAZERpewpew’ which has ‘0’ downloads but looks great.
I changed the depth to 2.0 and the fov w/ in game menus to ’90’ for the least amount of warp. (for me)
Just fyi in-case people were using one of the older profiles with little to no 3d.
Are you guys smoking crack?
there was no 3D at all.
The “Z Buffer” created no noticeable 3D illusion either.
You are seeing something that isn’t there.
Try playing another game that has actually 3D Geometry support before you try to convince other people how awesome your garbage is.
I have been playing stereo 3d games for 20 years and I recognize it when I see it. Try turning up the 3d setting in vorpx to around 2.0. No it will not allow extreme toyfication 3d and yes it is z buffer but it is stereo 3d. Your welcome.