Battlefield 3 Help

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    Just reinstalled VorpX after 2 years and this time I’m determined to get it working good with my Pimax 5K Super.

    1) When playing Battlefield 3, the mouse cursor remains in the middle of the screen and will not disappear

    2) In BF3, when I move my head, it’s not just the view/head that moves, but also the gun/aiming as well. I don’t even have to use my mouse to aim my gun, I can just move my head to aim my gun anywhere I want.

    3) There are graphical glitches with the right-eye only such as double-images at times, almost like ghosting or something or like a faint ghosted texture going through the gun or something like that. It happens a lot while there’s smoke and mist around. It does not happen with the left eye though.

    I’m using the Pimax 5K Super w/ 9-axis tracking (ie. no lighthouses / basestations) and keyboard and mouse.

    I’m using the default BF3 profile and tried to make some changes but nothing helped.


    Not sure about the mouse issue, that definitely didn’t happen when the profile was done back then. There is a cursor toggle keyboard shortcut that *might* help, can’t recall currently what the default is, but you can check under ‘ingame key bindings’ in the config app. Also switching between fullscreen/windowed is worth a shot in such a case.

    Aiming is usually bound to mouse movement with vorpX. There are some exceptions from this rule, most notably Cyberpunk that comes with free VR controller aiming in the latest vorpX 24.1, but those really are exceptions.

    As far as visual glitches are concerned, try to tinker with (turn off) graphics settings. The profile is supposed to adjust settings automatically, but who knows. Stuff like motion blur or some antialiasing methods are typical candidates for potential glitches.


    Aiming is usually bound to mouse movement with vorpX. There are some exceptions from this rule, most notably Cyberpunk that comes with free VR controller aiming in the latest vorpX 24.1, but those really are exceptions.

    Thanks but this aiming isn’t only bound to the mouse’s movement, the aiming can be done purely by head movement – literally without touching the mouse.


    The game camera in first person shooters is controlled by your mouse normally, i.e. looking around and aiming are the same in a game typically. Since vorpX (except for a few exceptions) doesn’t alter the inner workings of a game’s controls, looking around with the headset also means aiming.


    The game camera in first person shooters is controlled by your mouse normally, i.e. looking around and aiming are the same in a game typically. Since vorpX (except for a few exceptions) doesn’t alter the inner workings of a game’s controls, looking around with the headset also means aiming.

    I see, great, thank you. Do you know of any way/s to manipulate the game’s settings, controller settings, etc. to have the VR head movement = gun/aim movement not be as drastic?


    Yeah, in cases where head movement is bound to the mouse, you may have to calibrate the sensitivity. Unfortunately sometimes it depends on the ingame mouse settings, or even the resolution, so providing perfect defaults for everyone is not always possible.

    There is a setting in the vorpX menu (main page as well input page) called ‘head tracking sensitivity’ that you can adjust.

    Hint: A good way to calibrate the sensitivity is finding a spot in the game where you can easily tell when you turn 90°. Any flat wall will do for example. Stand before the wall, facing it straight while at the same time facing your monitor in reality just as straight. Then turn 90° in the game and check how far you turned in reality. Adjust the sensitivity accordingly. After 2-3 quick iterations you typically get a perfect 1:1 match.

    Hint 2: Useful hints like the above and more can be found in the vorpX help under ‘Essential Game Hints’ and ‘The 1-2-3 Game Setup’.


    ALT+C will remove the mouse from the center of your screen.

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