Battlefield 4 Zoom-in and slightly raised screen issue.

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    Hi everyone,

    I recently brought vorpX. I ran into 2 issues when i first run the game.

    1) The game is zoomed in extremely close to the screen. Yes, i fully aware of the shift + mousewheel to zoom out the game. But however naturally, i want a full view of the screen without doing that. Also, i have import vorpX cloud settings and Game Setting optimizer and ensure i have set them to 120 FOV. That still doesn’t change anything in the game. Please help.

    2) When i shift plus mousewheel down/up i notice the screen are slightly raise above me about 15deg or so. This strain my neck as i have to raise my neck up everytime to see above me.

    Please help, i spent around the past 4 hours or so.



    Bump. Please help, i still having the zoomed in issue. Not only battlefield 4, but other games such as left 4 dead 2


    Hi everyone,

    I changed to virtual camera mode. It worked fine at all, i still left a couple of problems.

    1) Non-Virtual camera mode doesn’t seems to work for me. I still have the issue where my screen is zoomed in and i noticed that the screen are slightly raise up around 5-15 deg when i image zoom out. I aware you have to change FOV to avoid this, but it still doesn’t help when i set it in game optimizer settings. The settings would still revert back to its original settings for example fov 120 again.

    2) Game compatiblity: Some games i noticed doesn’t work well for example far cry 3 and team fortress 2. What i meant is they didn’t start up with vorpX, they straight away display it on my monitor instead of my vive.

    Any solution would be helpful, I still a newbie to vorpX and have much to learn.



    Battlefield 4 only supports FOV adjustment int multiplayer for some weird reason. Single player mode stays unaffected from any changes made to the .ini file unfortunately. With a bit of luck Flawless Widescreen can help by hacking into the game’s memory.

    What you can do in regard to FOV heavily varies from game to game. While for quite a few games the Game Optimizer works well, for others you may have to use an extarnal tool like the one linked above.

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