Been a few years, can we override default profiles yet? (Mass Effect 3: LE)

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Been a few years, can we override default profiles yet? (Mass Effect 3: LE)

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    Hello, all!

    I’m beating a dead horse a bit here, but has anyone figured out how to run Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition? There’s an official profile for 1, but none for 2 or 3.

    There are a few suggestions:
    * Rename MassEffect3.exe to MassEffect1.exe – Doesn’t work, because the Legendary Edition launcher needs to launch these files by name. There are many existing threads on this, with no solution.
    * Use the original ME2 and ME3 games – not helpful, since saves aren’t compatible, and I don’t have those games (I just have the LE editions).
    * Wait for an official Vorpx profile to arrive – It’s been 5 years.

    I’d love to try and make custom profiles for ME2:LE and ME3:LE, but can’t, since those exe files names are already taken by Vorpx official profiles. I know this is a deliberate choice by Ralph, But I’m asking to please, please at least give us the option to mess around with this and get it working. If we mess up the profiles, that’s on – I’ll happily reset those, but it’s better than just not having the option.


    Renaming works, but you need to rename the game folders too.
    Rename Mass Effect 1 folder to anything else, and rename the Mass Effect 3 folder as Mass Effect 1; so when you will use the launcher, launch Mass Effect 1, and it will launch Mass Effect 3 renamed as MassEffect1.exe

    MassEffect 2 works out of the box for me.

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