i tried to share my profile but it doesnt work, i get message “this profile was created by another user”… wtf, this is a first. i think i’m getting a bug here.
anyway, i just wanted to inform you that this game is amazing and works great in G3D.
use conan exile profile, make a copy, attach the game.exe (the one in BSSA2/binaries/win64), and tweak the profile to your liking ingame.
turn post fx to low else, there is some visual glitches, turn fps limit to off, also vsync, and set fov to 110 (or you can set fov to 120 in ini gameusersettings (in Users\username\AppData\Local\BASS2\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor), if you have a glitch around character when you launch the game, turn off both “shadows” settings to low and set them back to what you want.
i’m having a blast with this game with vorpx in G3D, i hope you’ll enjoy it as well.
wish i could share my profile but it doesnt work and once again i dont know why.