Beyond Blue VorpX Support

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    Beyond Blue is cool undersea game
    i try play in VorpX Immersive mode
    it is ok and graphic look good
    but i can’t set this game in any 3D-mode (Z3D or G3D)
    How can I set it correctly?

    Beyond Blue is the underwater game better than AZBU
    if this game can use Z3D mode…..


    vorpX requires a profile for 3D to work. There is no official profile for this game, but with some luck someone made one. Check the cloud profiles in the config app.

    If noone made one yet, you could try to do it yourself: to make your own user profile you would have to find out what engine the game uses and then make a copy of an existing profile in the vorpX config app from a game that is based on the same engine. That way you have a decent chance that your user profile actually does anything-

    Briefly checking the web I couldn’t find info about the game’s engine, probably because it’s fairly new, but maybe you know more.

    Once you have a user profile that basically works, you might be able to further improve it. More details on that in the vorpX help under ‘User Profiles’.


    It looks to be Unity engine.

    Try profile copies of Ori, Firewatch, Life is Strange, Gone Home, etc…

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