Bf3 and Bf4 question

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    This the second time that I post this thread here and I don’t understand
    the reason that you deleted my post and my account????

    My question is this:
    1. If I use Vorpx with bf3 there is the possibilty that I get banned from bf3 server like cheater using external driver????
    2. I start bf4 but I don’t see any 3d effect Z3D but just 2D flat screen…

    Can someone explain I can configure bf4 using this Driver?

    Thank you so much.


    Hello everyone…
    Can you help me to find a solution for my problem???

    I am not able to play Bf4 in 3D but just in 2d.

    Have you some idea???

    Thank you


    Looking at another thread about the delete key not working, it would appear there is an issue at current between vorpX and Battlefield’s rendering engine that is being looked into and possibly going to be fixed, but as to when the fix is available, unknown.

    Until the China Rising expansion update, I had played on the Test Range in BF4 trying out my Rift and the controller I’m developing specifically for FPS games. Now that the update came out, I have NO Rift capability in BF, just in other games like FEAR1/2/3, Halflife series and a few other games I’ve been trying lately.

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