BF4 Z3D not working, DK2

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    Battlefield 4’s Z-Normal and Z-Adaptive modes in Vorpx don’t work for me, they look the same as the off setting. I have no problems getting Vorpx to hook the game and produce 2 images for viewing through the Rift, but it’s the same image twice, so it’s only 2D… I’ve tried lots of different settings but it doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with me.

    Anyways, I’m just reaching out to see if this is only on my end or not, if anyone else is experiencing this, let me know. Thanks!


    I tried BF4 before I knew to check these settings.

    I’ll give it a try this weekend and get back to you.

    I know I’ve had some luck in BF3.

    I’ll test both. :)


    Thanks… BF3 seems to work fine though.

    I’ve tried BF4 on both 64 and 32 bit, both don’t have 3d.


    Bumping this out of curiosity… Has anyone else experienced this or am I the only one?


    Z3D on BF4 never worked. It worked for the vanilla without patches and then bum. Gone, never been fixed. I’ve put this to Ralf attention months ago but The issue is still there.

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