Hi Ralf, again loved your product.
Recently i tried virtual home theater which is a VR media player, with a desktop mirror function. (it has demo version which is free and you can try for yourself)
Surprisingly, i found none VR games perform much better in VHT than vorpx (latest), for example, for shadow of tombraider, vorpx immersive mode give me 40-60% fps overheads (also extremely unstable fps )during the build in benchmarking. With VHT, same settings, (also it can enable side by side 3D), i got only 30% fps reduction. I also compared none 3D, even steamVR build in desktop view has better fps than vorpx (but of course desktop view doesn’t suppor stereooptic 3D). VHT can enable dx12 , with RTX etc. while vorpx stuck with DX11 (wont hook if enabled Dx12). Can you take a look and see what’s happening.