Black screen when using EdgePeek

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    Hi all,

    I have just got VorpX and have been using it for about 5 minutes changing the in game settings so I could play GTA V with it as per the guide linked below, however now when I enable EdgePeek by pressing middle mouse the rift screen will just go black so I have to disable it again. Does anyone know what might be causing this / how to resolve it?

    It was working briefly but I had to restart the game and after re-launching it I got the error.

    Guide for GTA V


    I have had this before. Edge peak uses head tracking for looking around (3D edge peak) and you can set the background to black instead of “ambient”.
    In my case sometimes the head track got switched backwards so when I was edge peaking the display would look plain black. BUT if I turned all the way around (180 deg) there it was behind me. Try using the recenter view button when you edge peak.

    Hope this helps.
    If your display is turning all the way off you may have another problem.


    Sorry for the late replay I’ve been away. I tried looking behind me but that didn’t seem to work so I reinstalled VorpX and its now all good and seems to be working.


    I had a similar one-time problem that was opposite. The screen was black unless I used edge peak. So it was black, but when I used edge peak it re-appeared. Luckily it was just an odd one time problem that went away when I restarted VorpX.

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