Hi there I was trying to use the vorpx with Black Mesa Source and Deus Ex Human Revolution ( STEAM )
and I was not able to play at all. It start black and the game freeze. but Deus Ex just Freeze about 2 seconds after the launch. I don’t know what to do now.
I only have games from Steam.
I first tried to make the desktop shortcut and it didn’t work.
Then I tried to re-install the game and it didn’t work too.
I disabled my Antivirus software and it didn’t work.
I am not using any kind of Trainer or Hacks.
I am not using any kind of recording Software or plugin such as Google Hangout.
Please I need help!
here is my System Spec just in case
Windows 8 Premium x64
Intel i5-3330 3.00GHz
Geforce GTX 650 ti
Additional information
All my games on Steam are on my second Partition of my Hard Drive (D:). But Vorpx is on my First Partition(C:). I don’t know if it does anything.
I can not move my games to C: because it is lacking space.