Blair Witch head tracking not working

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    Good day! I have been trying to get headtracking w/ Blair Witch
    to no avail. Run direct scan and even if it claims success, I lose controller function and when I turn them back on, the whole screen just turns with my head. Tried many times but will not work. What is the manual method to get headtracking working if Direct VR won’t comply?
    Samsung Odyssey
    GTX 2070



    If you don’t get head rotation the scanner did not find the right memory locations although it “thinks” it succeeded. Sometimes that can happen. Unfortunately there is no 100% guarantee that the scanner works reliably on every system. Hence the according message that is shown during each scanner run.

    Not really a big deal if it doesn’t work for you. FOV is handled via .ini editing and unless you changed the mouse sensitivity in the game options, mouse based tracking works correctly out of the box. DirectVR tracking would provide slightly less latency, but the default mouse based tracking isn’t too shabby in that regard either in this case.


    Thanks for the fast reply! How does one activate mouse tracking? I removed the profile and reaplied to reset, but no head tracking upon start.:-Didnt run Direct VR,just selected Full VR. Even with the controller movement (WMR), can only look left / right. I have tried for days w/ different settings before posting, so appreciate the help.


    Good day! So, still cannot get headtracking in full vr mode. Screen just moves with head. Scoured the forums but couldn’t find a tutorial on manually or alternate methods of applying headtracking to a game. As always, thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction!


    Mouse based head tracking is always enabled per default before running the DirectVR scan. If that doesn’t work for some reason, please try a full factory reset in the vorpX config app and make sure you didn’t accidentally disable mouse input in the game options if that is possible. BTW: disabled/broken mouse input can also be a reason for memory scan failures.


    Got it; appreciated and thanks!


    FYI:factory reset worked like a charm. I must admit, Blair Witch looks like native vr now. Thanks, Ralph!

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