Blair Witch in vr through vorpx

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    I saw that there is a profile in vorpx cloud that I have used for playing Blair Witch in my valve index.

    Is there anyone that have tried playing blair witch in vr using vorpx?

    Anyone that can give their feedback please ?



    Ralf just added official blair witch profile with the latest maintenance update with G3D/Z3D, full VR mode, scaling hud !!!!! try it man


    Thanks Steph12! I am going to try it! What headset do you have ?

    I have a pimax , an index and a quest.

    I am using my diy locomotion method to walk in games by mapping WASD to my feet movements.

    I have found the index for sure much more comfortable than the quest in terms of motion sickness due to the refresh rate and due to the headset being wired to the pc. Unfortunately I hate the cables coming out of the headset, also because I play in vorpx games with a room scale feeling by alking in my play area and in place for locomotion.

    As for the pimax, I love hte wide fov, but I have not tested the lowed frame rate compared to the index in my case with locomotion gameplay in vorpx. I need to test and compare both


    i have htc vive first gen, i didnt try blair witch yet, too many games to play right now :D

    but if ralf added that profile that means the experience is going to be good !


    I tried Blair Witch on the latest version of Vorpx but can’t get it displaying in a way which would make the game playable. I assume it is picking up the profile (how csn I tell?), but after selecting Full VR in the Vorpx settings i’m getting the following issues:

    The image is far too zoomed in. I get that you won’t get the full screen but compared to other Vorpx games i’ve tried (Halflife 2, RE:7) seems too extreme.

    Turning your head is not matched exactly in game – so if you say look 90 degrees in real life, the game turns about 30 degrees.

    Are these issues something which can be solved?


    Most games start with a note in the top left corner of the monitor, perhaps you missed something important there. IIRC the game has DirectVR, also press ALT+L once your in the game to see what happens.


    Hi Marcob! I’m playing Blair Witch with the official profile by Vorpx and it’s marvelous. The only thing that I’ve done is the directVR scan with Al+L and low the zoom in Vorpx settings to 0,90. I’m playing in Z-Adaptative because I have poor performance although my graphics card is a 2080, I think it is because my processor is an I5-6500, but I am very happy in Z-adaptative.


    I only have poor performance in geometric mode


    Thank you for your replies – directVR scan (with Alt-L) does pretty much fix the issue of turning my head. It is still not perfect, but much better.

    As for the zoomed in effect, I’ve lowered the Vorpx zoom to 80, and also discovered that there is a FOV setting in the Blair Witch Game Play menu. Setting that to max also helps. After both of those the FOV is ok, but I’d still like to see a little more.

    I’ve been running ok on Geometric mode, although the resolution is 1080p and to be honest not great looking (I have a 1080TI with i5 6800, running on Index). Does anyone raise the resolution? I’ve not tried because have not set up the custom resolutions.


    I’ve now managed to get it working pretty well. I discovered a tool which allows you to set the FOV above the in game limit of 80.

    I’ve set mine to 120 and it is displaying exactly as I would like it to.

    The tool requires a player profile which was really hard to find as I’m using the Microsoft Game Pass, but by making a change to the FOV in game and seeing what files changed I managed to find it. If it helps, mine was at:



    You are able to get the Game Pass Windows Store version to hook in vorpX with 3D?

    When you alt + tab out and open task manager, what is the exe name for Blair Witch? I’ve been curious to know if the name differs from the default profile exe, causing the hook issues.


    Yes, it seems to hook ok, i’ve just played for about an hour and really enjoying it now the FOV is improved. It hooks into Blairwitch-Win64-Shipping.exe


    Just a little heads-up that it makes sense to get the Steam version of games for vorpX if possible. In this case for example that would grant you automated FOV handling and some other auto tweaks through DirectVR.

    Typically it’s more likely to get advanced functionality like automated ini edits for non-Windows Store versions, Windows Store games may use unusual ini-paths that vorpX is not aware of.


    The Microsoft Game Pass have an offer of £1 for a month (too good to ignore considering it includes Blair Witch!).

    That said, the DirectVR does appear to work (in as I can press Alt-L and it successfully scans).

    I agree about the unusual ini paths. I’ve found where they are, but they took some hunting! Is there anything I should be changing if Vorpx is unable to make changes for me?


    The scanner works, but automatic FOV and some other tweaks are not applied automatically since that is done via ini editing. vorpX does automatic ini editing a lot (for more than 200 games), so you should expect similar issues with more, if not all, Windows Store games.

    If I can get hold of the required information for a game, I will consider the Windows Store paths for future profiles, but for now not a single profile considers the Windows Store paths for automatic ini edits.

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