Blocked from RJK's game engine checker?

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  • #173375

    I recently bought VorpX and have been experimenting with older, unsupported games, which requires looking into what engine they share with working titles. Unfortunately I’ve lately had trouble accessing RJK’s super-useful index of game engines — trying to load it or any other page on his site (like the VorpX wiki or even the homepage) generates a “403 Forbidden” error.

    I thought the site was just down, but then noticed today that it was loading fine on my cellphone. Switch to my home WiFi, though, and it stops loading again.

    Have I been IP blocked somehow from viewing the site? I have no idea why that would be. I’ve used it fairly frequently the last week or so but haven’t been scraping it or anything weird like that.


    Hello Jordan 117,

    Thanks for reporting your error this way. Your ip adress probably mistakely underwent a filerting process. Please submit any ip adress that you can NOT use to enter the site to this email adress : . Ill unblock it soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    In future the site will tell how to proceed in such cases.


    Ironically, I couldn’t see your email at first because the image is hosted on your site! But I’ll load it on my phone and send the info to you. Thanks!


    Haha thats good.I am working on a solution. Lateron today the site will handle errors properly. Your ip should work now. Please dont hesitate to report back if not. Thanks again.


    Nice job — you rock! Thanks again.

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