Bug report: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

Homepage Forums Technical Support Bug report: Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

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  • #174722

    Hello, ive just tried Splinter Cell 3 Chaos Theory. The supported game crashes with the following messages in the vorpX log:

    WRN: D3D9 Interface: First Device Creation failed. Trying again.
    ERR: D3D9 Interface: Device Creation failed: D3DERR_DEVICELOST
    WRN: D3D9 Interface: First Device Creation failed. Trying again.
    ERR: D3D9 Interface: Device Creation failed: D3DERR_DEVICELOST

    PS: in the past couple of weeks i ran with a few (non supported) DX9 games into a similar error, may be it has something to do with that ?
    ERR: D3D9 Device: Reset Error: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
    ERR: D3D9 Device: Reset Error: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL

    The errors above occur when starting a game with a profile where geometry 3D is enabled. Renaming for example splintercell3.exe to splintercell30.exe and starting the game without a profile, vorpX hooks, but renders in 2D only of coarse.


    I’ll look into it, but it worked fine here not too long ago when G3D was added and since then no changes were made to the D3D renderer. So I can’t really recommend anything specific.

    Running games windowed is worth a shot though since that may avoid device resets.

    Apart from that: as said earlier already, please NEVER report issues with unsupported games as bugs here. Any “bug” with an usupported game that you encounter may very well be the reason for it being not supported in the first place.

    It would also be great if you could check whether your issues also occur with Windows 10 before reporting them. For the time being I will ensure that vorpX generally works with Windows 7, but given the fact that more than 95% of VR users by now are on Windows 10, no Windows 7 specific issues with individual games will be addressed anymore. Time and resources are limited and the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Thanks for your understanding.


    Thanks Ralf for answering, you mentioned that before. I wasnt intended to write a report for non supportes games, i just thought i mention that because the way Chaos Theory crashed was suspicious to me. ( When the game seemed to switch around beetween windowed and Fullscreen ). In understand your concerns and i apologize for anything i might have raised here. In the future i will proceed as you have suggested.

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