thank you rjk for all your profiles, great work!
there are lots of obscure and forgotten games from the glide/DX6/DX7 days that would be great to play in 3D
i still havent gotten my hmd working quite right with vorpx but once i do it would be great to be able to play more old flight sims
microsoft combat flight sim 2 and 3
crimson skies
jane’s fighters games
f-22 lightning 3
red baron 3d
airfix dogfighter
over flanders fields (MSCFS3 mod, not sure what renderer it uses now)
starlancer (and other old space sims)
silent storm (tactical rpg)
early combat missions series (turnbased war strategy)
omikron the nomad soul
the list could go on forever lol
the only other thing is one day it would be great to play in vorpx 3D even DOS Glide games through DGVoodoo+DOSBox (obviously not the point of this thread so i wont name those too)