Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered

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    1. Search Cloud Profiles for “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare [vorpX]” and import the profile.
    2. Go to Local Profiles and find “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare” right-click it and choose “Create a new profile based on this”
    3. Name the new profile and leave the boxes unchecked. Right click “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare” again and choose “Export your vorpX settings to file”, save it.
    4. Find the new profile you created and select it, press Import Settings/Profile and select the file you just saved. Now go to “Add File” find your game install location and add the “MW2CR.exe”

    This should be enough to get everything up and running.
    Head-tracking works great, 3D looks really good. Game and headset running at 120FPS.
    Motion controller support (no weapon attachments, lack of buttons)
    The next steps are optional tweaks to get everything looking nice and filled-in.

    *vorpX Settings*
    -Press “Delete” to open vorpX menu
    Under Main Settings set the image zoom to .50 and Center tracking to make sure everything is straight.
    Under Image Settings set the Clarity (FidelityFX) to Full.
    Press Okay&Save

    *MW2CR Video Settings*
    This may be dependent on your graphics card, I’m using a 2080S 8GB card and have had no issues so far.

    Display Mode: Fullscreen
    Screen Refresh Rate: 60Hz
    Resolution: 3440×1440
    Aspect Ratio: Auto
    FOV: MAX (Adjust to liking)

    *Advanced Video*
    Sync every frame: Off
    Maximum FPS: Unlimited
    Monitor aspect ratio: Standard 4:3
    Native render resolution: Off
    Render resolution: 90%
    Texture resolution: Extra
    Normal map resolution: Extra
    Specular map resolution: Extra
    Fill remaining memory: On
    Anisotropic Filtering: High
    Shadows: On
    Shadow map resolution: Extra


    There was a typo this setting needs to be off or you will encounter issues.

    Fill remaining memory: Off


    Thanks, COD campaigns are great in VR with Vorpx. I still have to try-out if the latest dx12 profiles can generate Z3d in MW 2019 and COD cold war.

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