Unfortunately the open beta for the new Modern Warfare this week is PS4 only. So I spent some time revisiting MW2 instead and have configured some new vorpX profiles for it.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (G3D)

Another visual spectacle campaign looking good in G3D when you turn the shadows off. I only wish the gun models had better depth, but this is how all the call of duty games are sadly. Still enjoyable.
One minor glitch remains with the heartbeat sensor being off center, which could not be fixed without breaking other world props.
Multiplayer FOV has a maximum of 90 and requires an officially approved Changer by AgentRev, so I’ve made two separate profiles for SP and MP using two different Changers. Fortunately each use their own exe so you can keep both profiles active at once.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 SP
**Requires CoD-SCZ-FoV-Changer
– use SCZ FoV Changer to set 105 and launch the game
– use a 16:9 resolution (2560×1440)
– turn Shadows OFF in game
*Optional hide HUD hotkeys – add two lines to config.cfg in players folder of game directory:
bind F1 “cg_draw2D 0”
bind F2 “cg_draw2D 1”
*Fullscreen cinema mode optimized for Pimax8k
*fullVR/Immersive modes optimized for Rift
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 MP
**Requires AgentRev MW2 FoV Changer
– use AgentRev FoV Changer to set 90 and launch the game
– use a 16:9 resolution (2560×1440)
– turn Shadows OFF in game
*FullVR mode optimized for Rift
*Fullscreen cinema mode optimized for Pimax8k with pitool small fov. If edge culling too noticable, reduce vorpX FOV Enhancement in delete menu
You can find these now on the vorpX cloud. Enjoy. A couple more COD MP coming soon.