Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 steam version DK2

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    Firstly just bought VorpX and i’m very happy with Skyrim on my DK2.

    Been trying to get Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 to work.

    I’ve had limited success with this, will only launch in 3d in either 640×480 or 800×600. No in game VorpX menu when pressing the del key. Head tracking is working, but not positional. Dont think geometry 3d is working, might be Z-buffer but cant tell as no in game vorpX menu.

    Any hints on how to get this working? or are you / will you work on this please Ralf?

    kind regards,



    I’ve had some luck with MW2.

    None with MW3 or COD4/MW1

    Just to put it out there. I’ve played other FPS titles with VORPX and MW2 is the biggest “gunface” experience out there.

    FOV is terrible.

    WHen I say “SOME” luck. I mean for some reason it will hook. Then I reboot my pc, go through the procedure again and then it wont hook. It seems to work if I run MW2 after I’ve played other games. Haven’t figured out WHAT games exactly.


    I am interested if anyone has got this to work also

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