Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (G3D/Z3D)
I decided to give this game a little focal offset in cinema modes. Together with only a very slight HUD depth other elements at HUD depth (certain explosions) dont look too bad. Immersive Screen looks best, FULL VR has Headtracking but weapons look a little flat against the rest. I may upload an alternate profile which makes weapons look better but in cost of the environment. Seems like a Call of Duty typical problem. Until then you may increase 3D strength a little to even that out in Full VR mode.
FOV: (pcgamingwiki)
1. Open the ‘players’ folder located within your game folder, find and open “config.cfg” with a text-editing tool
2. Find the line “seta monkeytoy” and change its value from “1” to “0”
3. Add the following lines
bind w “+forward;cg_fov XXXX;cg_fovScale 1.125”
(change FOV angle XXXX for your like)
– Optimized for Cienam Modes
– Full VR w. Headtracking available
– See VorpX Forum for instructions on FOV
– Profile available at the cloud

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