Call of Juarez: The Cartel (G3D)

Not sure why all the hate for this rendition of Juarez. I had a good time. It’s hard to find these days (now delisted from steam storefront), but you can still buy steam keys from newegg/g2a for pretty cheap. It took a lot of shader tweaking for G3D, but is now another fun action shooter for vorpX.
– FOV setup as directed by PCGamingWiki:
Edit default_levels.xml
Go to <path-to-game>\MD
Open Data0.pak with 7-Zip or similar.
In it go to Skills and extract a file default_levels.xml
Go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Call of Juarez – The Cartel\out
In this folder create a folder Data.
In folder Data that you’ve just created, create another folder, named Skills.
Now move default_levels.xml that you’ve extracted to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Call of Juarez – The Cartel\out\Data\Skills
Open default_levels.xml in Notepad.
Change <prop n=”CameraDefaultFOV” v=”50.0″/> to v=”80.0″ .
a value of v=”80.0″ works best for this profile (any higher breaks recoil).
– use a 16:9 resolution (2560×1440)
*Adjust vorpX height modifier for preferred aiming
*FullVR best for Rift, Cinema mode best for Pimax8K
*Z3D also works

Profile now on the cloud. Hopefully somebody enjoys it :) .