Are you playing in 3dof ?
Of which menu are you talking ?
You have an application with a shortcut called “Configure VorpX”, that you could use before playing, only one time per game, and only if necessary. You don’t really need it for every game, if the game has already an official profile (or no profile at all).
And you have a floating in-game menu. You can call it with the appropriate key.
In-game key bindings can be changed in VorpX Configuration before playing.
Important keys are usually :
– VorpX ingame menu
– Edgepeek
– Center Positional Tracking
If you really need to access the desktop app, there are a lot of ways to display your desktop in the headset (but it depends on your headset).
VorpX has a Desktop Viewer. You can launch game from it (especially with Beta, wich allow you to use any resolution/ratio you want on you desktop).