I’m considering to buy Vorpx but before this I have a few questions
that I didn’t find any answer in the forum or Faqs.
– Can I use Vorpx with games that are not in Steam?
I have games that i bought phisical in boxes and the installation is not in
– I have games in 2D like “Ori and the blind forest” that I would like to play
in a Big Screen with 3D depth.
So many of them are old and others are new but are not in the list of Vorpx:
– Death’s Gambit (Directx 11)
– Hollow Knight (DirectX 10)
– The Cave (DirectX 9.0c)
– Whispered World (DirectX 9.0C)…
In the instructions they put that I can use Vorpx with games that use DirectX
9 to 11.
Can I use this kind of games with Vorpx?
– The last question. It’s hard to configure this kind of games to play with a big
screen in 3D?
Thank you so much.