i dont know if this is a bug but I have a CV1 and typically just launched games from oculus dashboard but on my Vorpx PC menu under general settings – it doesnt list the Rift anymore and forces me to go to SteamVR and i am getting alot of game crashes that i wasnt getting before.
is this a bug on my end or did the option get removed? I just want to be able to launch Vorpx without SteamVR being necessary.
There should still be an Oculus option. If it is missing for some reason, try a reinstall.
Ya.. i lost my download link so gonna have to request a new one. But ya, it just has SteamVR, Generic VR Headset, and Generic 3D Display as my options in the drop down box, no Oculus. Ill send a ticket for a new download, thanks ralf!