Can not get Vorpx to work. (Im a noob)

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    Hey guys! I literally just got my vr set a couple days ago. In those few days I’ve managed to break just about everything messing with every setting under the sun.

    One thing I absolutely cannot get to work is Vorpx. None of the games load into it. The game I really want to play is Star Wars Battlefront.

    However with every game the only thing that loads is the oculus home environment.

    I feel like I am missing something really small that overrides the environment. Anyways just to make sure I’ve been doing this right heres what I have be doing.

    1)Starting Vorpx

    2)Finding game in list

    3)Selecting game profile and clicking apply and close

    4)Starting game from desktop.


    Try running VorpX (the shortcut “Start vorpX”) as Administrator.
    Right-click the shortcut and select “Run as administrator” and then confirm in the popup that will appear.


    Try starting Oculus home first. Disable all your anti virus software and turn off windows defender. Also try Bioshock Infinite, Skyrim, New Vegas or Dishonored just to make sure it’s not the game. That is all I can think of for the moment.


    Hey! So it turns out it was my Mcafee, it was never truly shutting down/disabling. So I went and manually closed all the tasks, and it ran perfectly! :) So glad it was something simple. One other question I’m playing a game and the head tracking moves the mouse, however it also slightly moves the screen. Is it possible to make it just move the mouse and keep the screen fixed?


    Sounds like you are in virtual cinema mode and have mouse movement enable at the same time. Hit DELETE and set virtual cinema mode to off. You could also be in edge peek mode, so try hitting middle mouse button and see if that helps. Here is a tutorial series. I strongly recommend you to start with a game on this list and get to know the app before trying other games or at least watch the first episode, which is a general guide to Vorpx.

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