I’m sorry, I’m brand new to this. I just got an Oculus Quest 2 on Friday, so this is all brand new.
Anyway, I’m using a USB 3.0 to USB-c cable in order to enable Oculus Rift or Link or whatever they call it. I have Fallout 76 on Steam. I have bought VorpX.
Can someone please tell me the steps I need to get up and running from everything shutdown (PC and VR device).
Again sorry, it’s all a little overwhelming at first.
For some reason I can’t get audio to play through the VR device. Like as the game loads from the Desktop Viewer I can hear, but when it goes to fullscreen in game the audio cuts off.
What is really odd, is if I press the menu button on the VR controller to bring up the menu, the audio comes back on. But when I close the menu, no audio again.
Okay, I figured out audio. However, when in game the edges of the screen are too far out of my field of vision. For example, the quest tracker is on the top right.
But, if I look that direction I really can’t see it well and it’s very blurry. What setting do I need to adjust to correct this?
Cinema mode isn’t flat. It’s like playing on a giant 3d tv. Immersive mode takes you closer to the screen, enables head-tracking, edgepeek (pushing the screen back out so you can see the hud), etc.
For most third person games these are better modes than full vr. Full vr works best for first person games.
One final question (I hope). When I get in game the mouse cursor seems “bound” somewhat. For example, when I open the pip boy, the cursor seems to hit some kind of invisible “wall” and I can’t move it higher in order to select the stats, inventory, data, radio sections of the pip boy. When playing the game on monitor, the cursor will go anywhere on screen. But when using VorpX it goes almost everywhere, but like I said it seems to hit these invisible “walls”, and I can’t move it beyond them even though I should be able to.