@ Tre4b
The 3D Cinema environments involve more work than just loading a model. The scene graph with model/texture paths, material descriptions and so on is hardcoded, 3d models are in a custom format that can be read directly into vorpX’s small but nice 3d engine without runtime conversion, also two different lightmaps have to be produced each with certain requirements etc. Last but not least I take great care to create super low poly environments to make sure there is no noticeable performance impact.
If you have a nice idea, some 3d modeling experience and are willing to create the base geometry (adhering to a certain poly count), shoot me a mail to support at vorpx dot com to further discuss the matter. I could take your base geometry in some common exchange format and do the rest.
Alternatively you can render and import 360° panoramas of various kinds and formats without any poly count or other restrictions. Not quite as nice as a dynamically lit 3d scene, but on the other hand you can do that fully on your own. Check the ‘Cinema Environments’ section in the config app. The import dialog shows what panorama types are supported. The config app page also has a bunch of links with downloadable panoramas, both stereo and mono.