can you reposition the immersive screen (pitch/roll/etc)

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    can you reposition the immersive screen so that it is…above you?
    trying to avoid an overdose of word salad..
    you know how software like Virtual Desktop & OVRdrop let you position your virtual display virtually anywhere you want it? Well, I’d like to play some games reclined or laying down using the vorpX immersive display… like if you had a 3D tv mounted on the ceiling above your bed.. I have had the program about a year or so and the only thing I’ve managed to find that comes close is to just disable head tracking all together… which isn’t what I’m trying to get going on..
    is it even possible?


    You could try the following (dont know if it works),
    lay down, put on headset, look at the ceiling, press “reset seated position” with your controller in SteamVR and see what happens.


    yah… that doesn’t work. the Vorpx screen is locked parallel with the horizontal axis, so if you look up and reset the seated position, it just changes the positional 3dof (forward/back,left/right,up/down), but the roll/pitch/yaw 3dof are unaffected… effected? affected? whatever… both.


    I have seen something like that in one of the modes within the big screen program.
    Now that you mention it, it is a functionality that I would like to have available for Vorpx. Be reclined with the screen on the top, or even lying on your back with the screen on the ceiling.

    Therefore, I propose to unblock these two functionalities in some future update for Vorpx.


    I would have my doubts that this would make sense exept for watching monoscopic movies . The brain has its problems with stereoscopic views enough in normal positions, i would think lying down and playing for example a racing game or whatever in stereoscopic Full VR will make you vomit immediately, at least it will make you feel extremely unwell to motion sick. Some people might get used to it, but i am pretty much shure when getting back up youll have serious problems with your sense of balance. BTW: Bigscreen is not 3D with the full vr experience like provided by vorpX.

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