Cannot get vlc player to hook

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    No matter what i do, Vlc wont hook. gta v and witcher 3 hook fine no issues.

    any idea? vlc just shuts down no error message when i why to drop a movie into it, and when i just launch vlc with steam vr and vorpx running, it starts normally without hooking.

    tried creating a new profile for it to, by copying the vlc one and directing it to the vlc.exe


    VLC should be set OpenGL output mode for vorpX. The easiest way to do that is using the game optimizer in the config app. If that fails for some reason, you can do it manually in the VLC settings (Tools>Settings>Video).


    just tried that both manually and with game optimizer, still not working with the same issues. thanks for the fast support!


    I would suggest to try MPC-HC then, which is a little bit better for vorpX anyway since it contains a few extra lines of code that allow vorpX to grab the image at the best possible occasion.

    Make sure to apply the game optimizer here too for selecting the right output mode.

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