Cant buy using Paypal

Homepage Forums Installation and Registration Support Cant buy using Paypal

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    I have spent the last hour trying to buy your product

    Im trying to do it via Paypal but its just teling me that the field info is incorrect

    I haven’t even logged into Pay pal so how could it possibly say it is incorrect ???????????

    Please advice or provide an alternate option using Paypal


    Sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately sometimes MyCommerce rejects payments for no apparent reason.

    If you can’t order through MyCommerce, please send an e-mail to support |at| vorpx com. We can then provide you with an alternative payment option.


    I sent more than 5 email and all of them say that the problem is on my side
    eventhough a couple of friends also tried buying it with no luck

    can you please send me a link or something to the alternative way of buying ?/


    Did you send the the mails to the address posted above or to MyCommerce?

    Anyway: I will send you the link to the mail address you used to register here since it is only meant for special cases like yours and not supposed to be public.

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