Can't create watch dogs profile

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  • #122066


    I can’t create a watch dogs profile based on Assasin’s Creed 3. It says the profile already exists while clearly it doesn’t. See screenshots below.

    Note: There also does not seem to be a cloud profile available, while are people using VorpX with watch dogs:
    example 1
    example 2


    Watchdogs doesn’t really work with he current vorpX version (crashes in 9/10 cases shortly after injection), hence there is an invisible profile that disables the game completely.

    I’m not 100% sure ATM, but it *might* work with the next vorpX version, which has some enhancements in regard to hooking various Ubisoft games.


    Okay, how can I enable this invisible profile?

    Also can you guys add something like a ‘Enable experimental features’ or ‘Show hidden profiles’ option in the settings of the next version. In order to overcome these kind of problems in the future.

    Note: Creating a profile with a different name pointing to the .exe also does not work:


    You can’t, sorry. This invisible profile is there to prevent Watchdogs being added to a copied profile like you tried since the game would crash anyway if you were be able to do that.

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