Can't get games to work

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    Hi there, bought Vorpx yesterday and can’t get it to work on any games. The desktop viewer works perfect.

    Windows 10, GTX 970, i5 4670K. All Oculus stuff works fine. I’ve tried creating Vorpx specific desktop shortcuts but still no joy, the games just run on the monitor as usual. I’ve been trying the Steam version of Skyrim primarily, but also have plenty other games to try.

    I’ve uninstalled Skype and 3DVision, can’t think what else could be causing the issue. Hope somebody can provide me with a pointer.

    Thanks in advance.


    Yeah…. I can only get Skyrim to work, and that’s about it. Tried to get GTA V, Metro: Last Light and other games. Just doesn’t hook in at all… :S.

    I did alot of the same stuff you did as well. I’m on the latest version of VORPX I believe, 0.9.1 beta.

    Latest Nvidia Driver, with 3D off, tried with MalwareBytes off, tried launching GTA in diff compatibility modes. Running Windows 10 64bit, GTX 980 TI. Tried to run with Admin rights, but that seems to cause more issues.


    Hey there, I managed to get it working fully by uninstalling another copy of Skype that was still running. I had uninstalled the desktop version but the Windows 10 app store version was also installed and running. On top of that I disabled everything on startup that wasn’t essential. Since then it’s been working like a charm.

    Try looking through the processes running in task manager to see if anything else is lurking there that might stop Vorpx hooking in. I also disabled shadowplay for good measure, just in case.

    Things like Fraps, Afterburner with its OSD feature, even the Steam overlay and FPS counter, try turning them all off.

    Wish you luck :)


    Hm. Sometimes the games won’t even start, and other-times they will. Like it will say GTA V exe can’t be found, or Metro 2033 wont open, with an unknown error in steam. But as soon as I close Vorpx, they work. Very weird stuff.

    I un-installed Skype, but was a no-go.


    Have you tried creating Vorpx specific shortcuts to the games? Does that help? Try uninstalling Vorpx completely and then installing again. Sounds like there is still a conflict somewhere.


    Have you tried creating Vorpx specific shortcuts to the games? Does that help? Try uninstalling Vorpx completely and then installing again. Sounds like there is still a conflict somewhere.

    How do you make a “vorpx specific shortcut” ?


    hi guys i am new to using vorpx and i either dont know how to get the games to work or vorpx to work, i have read the things u need to know page but that didnt help so here my specs
    2 monitors, 1. 1920-1200 2. 1600-900
    i have the oculus dk2 working as a third monitor
    windows 7 64bit
    oculus runtime
    geforce gtx 970 no direct line to HDMI using an adapter
    latest version of vorpx
    geforce drivers 350.12
    is anything here wrong? need help
    like when i start a game up like mirrors edge or portal 2 both screens go black i can hear the audio but a small part of my 2 monitor shows up on the DK2


    Please install the Oculus runtime 0.8. 0.6 *might* work, but you will at least have set the HMD to direct mode. Onle 0.8 is officially supported.

    For testing purposes please also try to disconnect all additional monitors and change the port the HMD is connected to.

    If you use more than one graphics card, please make sure that the HMD is connected to the same graphics card as the main display. vorpX can only work if the HMD is connected to the graphics card that renders the game normally.

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