Can't install VorpX

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  • #166563

    When trying to install VorpX I get this message:

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    DeleteFile failed code 5
    Access is denied


    Looks as if you have that font already installed and iT’s currently in use by another software. If that is the case you should be able to continue by pressing the “Ignore” button.

    If that does not help, please go to your C:\Windows\Fonts folder and remove the font “Cabin” manually before running the vorpX installer.


    regedit -> \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts
    delete every “Cabin*” entry -> reboot PC. Then the installaton/update will go properly.
    However after VorpX update/install all the Cabin reg entries are there again. And I’m afraid (but not sure since I can’t update on will) they’ll cause the same error over and over. Not sure why do we need to overwrite these fonts every update. In my case pressing “ignore” during the update results in critical error on VorpX startup with a message about magic. So I have to manually reinstall VorpX every time, updates don’t work. (Manual reinstall still goes with the font overwrite warning/ingore button, but the program works atleast.)

    Win10 64

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