Can't use mouse

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    Hi, I just bought this product so forgive me but I can not use my mouse when I put my headset on. I do not have hand controllers and just want to use the keyboard and mouse and my wmr headset. Can anyone help a noob out please?
    Thanks in advance.


    What game are you trying to play? Normally mouse+keyboard should work fine, VR controllers are supported by vorpX, but not required.

    In vary rare cases the cursor might be hidden on start. Try ALT+C to unhide it, maybe that helps.


    I have tried BF4 and metro. I hear a clicking noise when I hit the number one mouse button but nothing happens. When I take the headset off the mouse button functions as it supposed to. However when I put the headset back on the mouse button is non functional as if it’s expecting me to have hand controllers which I do not have.


    Also moving the mouse does not work at all.


    It doesn’t expect hand controllers. Even with hand controllers active, mouse and keyboard would still work. If you happen to run the games windowed, make sure they have input focus by clicking into the window.


    Thank you for your fast replies. For what ever reason there is no mouse control at all when running the software. I run everything at full screen but again as soon as I put the headset on mouse control is not available but when I place my WMR in my lap the mouse works fine. I do not know why. Very frustrating.


    Never heard of anything like this, sorry. Try to run the games windowed then, maybe that makes a difference. Just a guess, of course, can’t really recommend anything more specific.


    I figured it out. I had to end task the driver and restart it. Works flawlessly, such a great product.
    Thank you.

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