Changing the Vertical Position of the Screen

Homepage Forums Technical Support Changing the Vertical Position of the Screen

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  • #212420

    In quite a few games I am finding the sweet spot is a Letterbox Aspect Ratio. However, I can never zoom in enough so I don’t see the bottom of the screen. However I don’t see the top of the screen. I was wondering if it would be possible to vertically move it up or down? Additionally is it possible the image zoom could be increased?


    Using both a letterbox mode and the zoom setting doesn‘t make too much sense. The letterbox modes are technically the same as the zoom setting, just with predefined values. Both are largely meant as a last resort if vorpX doesn’t handle FOV automatically and there are also no other means to match a game’s FOV to the headset FOV.

    TLDR: leave these settings alone unless they are required to get the FOV right.

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