Cinema drift?

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    Hello, i’ve been playing GTAV with vorpx for a little bit now, and i’ve noticed something odd in cinema mode, if i look far left, then far right, then center again, the screen has drifted slightly from where i started. while relatively simple to refix orientation, i’m wondering if there’s something i can do to prevent this drifting?


    ive noticed this effect too. But i am not sure if its caused by overturning your head more than 90 degree in one direction(cam failure) or caused by vorpx.


    With a DK2 this should not happen normally. The camera moving out of the tracking volume, like pitt suggests, may be an exception.

    In case of a DK1 however that is to be expected, as the DK1 has a fairly high yaw drift. Can be significantly reduced by calibrating the magnetometer in the Oculus Config Utility.

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