Close to Buy: Which Games are actually working 100% in 3D?

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    Hi there !!

    I´m almost there to buy it, only after seeing the last update that many show playing Skyrim.
    So I´m coming back …but I just want to know.

    With the last update (17.1.x) what are exactly the games that work perfectly, in 3d (no cinema), and that can be played from start to the end in VR.?

    I understand that I have to follow guides and configs, but I just want to be sure, because I can read that some players are always saying that they are almost having everthing in place but still “X failure” happen. I´ve saw one with controller having issues and some others with headtracking going out of sync, etc.

    I want to be sure about which games are working in the end 100% without issues that will make me stop playing.



    First you should always be aware that vorpX applies VR functionality to games that were never meant to be played in VR. So depending on how you define 100%, either only a few may work without issues or most.

    If you are searching for the games that work best, the ones with the new Direct VR feature, which provides automatic 1:1 head tracking and FOV adjustment, are clearly closest to a native experience. Others will require more tweaking. Currently this includes (more to come shortly):

    Fallout 4, Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, Half-Life 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal 2, Borderlands 2, Bishock (original), Bioshock 2 (original), Bioshock Infinite, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Black Mesa Source.


    But in this other thread:

    You are stating that: ¨There always is a certain risk of crashes with Direct VR, which writes directly into a game’s memory.¨
    And the game doesn´t work sometimes

    So it really seems that even the new Direct VR mode is actually not properly stable.

    This is my question…is there ANY GAME that works correctly in 3d with VORPX and that can be played from start to end?
    Please be honest….

    Also, VORPx has no demo or a way to test before buying.
    Do I have a way to refund if it doesn´t work properly???


    You can play Direct VR games perfectly fine. And also others that don’t have Direct VR with some more effort. Direct VR directly manipulates a game’s memory addresses. There is always a certain chance that something goes wrong with that. It’s generally considered a very good thing by most.

    If you ask me, then I say that the immersion that the world of a Skyrim or Bioshock provides in VR outweighs any potential technical glitch by an order of magnitude. But if you are more the kind of guy who tends to look mostly at the technical side instead of the actual games, you may just as well prefer, let’s say, Space Pirate Trainer or Job Simulator over a game like Skyrim in VR. Not that I would really understand that, but some apparently come to that conclusion.

    Just be aware that vorpX applies VR to games that were never ever meant to be played in 3D, let alone in VR, and that that can imply some technical compromises. Whether that is OK for you or not, only you can decide.


    If you ask me, then I say that the immersion that the world of a Skyrim or Bioshock provides in VR outweighs any potential technical glitch by an order of magnitude.

    Well, using your words, I´m afraid of those glitches breaking the previous immersion. It is useless to have Skyrim in VR if I have to suffer issues with headtracking or other problems constantly. It kills the immersion completely.

    Instead of thinking inside the game..I would end up thinking about the glitches.

    Just be aware that vorpX applies VR to games that were never ever meant to be played in 3D, let alone in VR, and that that can imply some technical compromises. Whether that is OK for you or not, only you can decide

    Actually I cannot decide.
    I have to BUY it (40U$D) just to see how it works.

    There is no TRIAL or DEMO version. Videos on youtube are clearly not enough, and I´m not sure about possible issues. so…

    That is something that makes me doubt of buying, if the software is good, then a way to test or refund should be available to let users DECIDE.


    > Also, VORPx has no demo or a way to test before buying.
    Do I have a way to refund if it doesn´t work properly???

    No. And Ralf always dodges the question. Guess it’s on purpose and he knows it’s not ethical (that and the misleading lack of details on the list of supported games). Strange behavior if you ask me, because he’s otherwise very comprehensive and straightforward in his replies on the forums, and VorpX – even though not for everyone – is not a scam. I suppose he thinks a bit of dirty business tricks are necessary to kickstart his business until VorpX is out of beta. Don’t know… What I know is that it discourages me from getting more involved in helping VorpX by posting cloud settings, step by step guides or whatever, even though I’m quite enthusiastic about VorpX.


    I simply have no intention to discuss this over and over again, and I won’t. That is a decision that was made long ago and what I can tell you ist that the reasoning behind it has absolutely nothing to do with what you suspect.

    On a more general note: if the rather personal “Ralf does that other than I like”, “Why doesn’t Ralf do this or that” posts continue in the amount of recent weeks, the forum will be handled a lot more “professionally” very shortly. Which for you primarily would mean far less concrete, detailed and qualified answers, and probably almost none directly from me anymore.


    Eh? I’m sorry if it annoys you but you’re not going to stop users from critizing what they don’t like. Silence is not going to stop that. If you get nagged about something frequently, that’s certainly a sign that you should find a solution to the issue people are having.

    Which primarily means far less concrete and qualified answers, and probaly almost none by me anymore.

    That would be going the opposite direction I’d wish you to go. Everyone likes transparency. You already have a lot of transparency, which is great, you should just take the extra step and go for full transparency. :)


    That’s precisley the kind of posts I meant above, but thanks for the suggestion. You will have a hard time to find any product forum anywhere with direct developer answers as detailed and open as this one in it’s current form. There is a german proverb that (freely translated) says: beware reaching your hand, your arm may get bitten off in the end.


    No problem. It may not be obvious but I was trying to help you here. I like VorpX and I’d like to help it on what I think is the right direction. Now that I know you disagree with what the right direction is, I’ll stop and return to lambda customer state. No big deal.


    If you stick to feature suggestions and similar things, all is perfectly fine and I’m more than willing to answer them as detailed as ever, other things please just accept as being decided for reasons that you do not know.

    A product support forum is a product support forum. If forum interaction becomes too personal in a demanding way, something has to be done eventually, which I would very, very gladly avoid as I absolutely like things how they are right now. Your post above was just one too many in recent weeks, don’t take it personally.


    Guys, it’s $40. How much money have you heaped into your VR set up? Stop acting like babies and crying about a damn demo. ALL of the “native” VR “games” are just DEMOS. If you want to enjoy AAA titles in 3D then Vorpx is the solution. Just as Ralph states over and over, YOUR MILEAGE WILL VARY. It’s not “dodging” the question, its the answer. Depending on how nit picky and bitchy you are about certain things YES certain Vorpx experiences will most definitively bunch up your panties. HOWEVER: if you ARE the type of person who is comfortable with reading and following instructions, as well as being able to think for your self and adjust settings then Vorpx is the solution you’re looking for. It’s worth the money. No doubt about it. Vorpx is a must have for me as I honestly cant stand the Oculus crap they pump out and call games. The only other VR app with as much polish and continued updates is FlyInside for FSX. These 2 VR apps are worth 10X what they charge. I’ve spent 1000’s of hours using these 2 products and will continue to do so. Thanks again Ralph, you’re the man.


    > Stop acting like babies and crying about a damn demo.

    Do you need to be rude? $40 is a lot if you end up not using the software at all because it’s not what you expected. A trial version would solve this issue. If Animation Labs have a reason not to have a trial version, then they just have to disclose it on the website and people will shut up. Until then, new people will come and complain about the lack of demo and your own bitching against their bitching won’t stop it.


    I’m not quite sure where you may have gotten the rather strange idea from that someone may be obliged to disclose anything to you because you made a $40 purchase. But thanks again for bringing me another step closer to change things around here. If you prefer a more “corporate” way of handling user forums, you can have that.


    > I’m not quite sure where you may even get the rather strange idea from that someone may be obliged to disclose everything to you because you made a $40 purchase

    It’s not at all what I said or implied! “they just have to disclose it and people will shut up” means “if they want people to shut up, they simply have to disclose it”, not “they are obliged to disclose it”.

    > If you prefer a more “corporate” way of handling user forums, you can have that.

    I told you it’s the opposite of what I want. But if you don’t want to have discussions besides technical details and suggestions then just don’t have them. Why are you replying to me if you don’t want to?

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