Hi Ralf,
While I continue fresh installing games from Steam, Origin etc. , I am afraid I found another issue:
COD Black Ops 3 does not start with VorpX enabled.
When I kill the Vorpx driver, COD starts normally.
When I start COD BO3 from inside steam, I see briefly a status “running” of the game (in the steam interface) but no game window opens.
A few seconds later, the “running” status goes away.
I also don’t see the “Vorpx is attaching…” dialog. (strange, because in the Vorpx logs it says its hooking)
Directly clicking the BO3 shortcut on my desktop produces the same results.
Note: I keep my Windows 10 pro as standard as possible; only legal software/games from, Steam etc.
I use windows defender and not some paranoid virus scanner like bit defender. (will do that later as soon as everything works, so I know what’s causing issues :)
Additional info that is missing in the troubleshoot zip files:
I use RIFT software 1.20. (Not using the Core 2.0 beta, too unstable)
I already emailed you the troubleshoot zip file.
Best Regards,