The question is not if Quest 3 works, but if Quest headsets work in general. The answer is: of course – they’re the most popular & compatible devices out there.
I had Quest 2 in the past, and it worked perfectly with VorpX. Now i have a Quest 3 and while i haven’t used it much with VorpX yet (too much time spent with modding SkyrimVR! :), yesterday i played Anno Mutationem for a while (Outer Wilds profile, Z3D) and it works perfectly fine.
I’d say it works as good or bad as Link/AirLink is allowing it to. Some people report that the current Oculus software has broken USB-Link (haven’t tried it yet, my USB cable is damaged). Sometimes AirLink has hiccups and VorpX can’t do anything about it. That’s about everything you need to keep in mind.
Maybe VorpX can be used with SteamLink or Virtual Desktop, but you would be limited to wireless.