Conan Exiles grey Border

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    Conan is only in the cinema. every tip in the forum made it worse. Now it doesn’t work anymore. How do I adjust FoV How can I really play in VR


    Please reset the profile to default in the config app. VorpX handles FOV automatically for this game, there is nothing you could improve by tweaking anything manually. If there is still a slight top/bottom border afterwards, then because the game doesn’t allow the FOV to be set higher that vorpX already does.

    One thing that might improve things is running the game with a 4:3 resolution. In some games that can allow vorpX to set a higher FOV. For FullVR games that’s good practice anyway since it avoids rendering pixels that never show in the headset.


    Thank you. 4:3 is set. The profile is reset

    According to the Funcom instructions, I can turn Fov over 75 in the game.ini. Unfortunately that doesn’t work for me.

    When I change the FOV setting in game.ini, the game ignores it and only allows me to go up to 75.


    VorpX handles the FOV automatically and while doing so honors the limit that can be set in the options menu. I‘ll check whether raising it above the game‘s official limit works without unwanted side effects. Provided that‘s the case I‘ll change the DirectVR FOV calculation for the next update.

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