Constantly floored by how good VorpX is

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    Been using VorpX for over 2 years now, and I just have to say, I’m still blown away by it. I’m probably a bit of an anomaly in that I play almost everything in Cinema mode due to smoothness, ease of UI, and sitting down.
    But god damn, its still the best thing about VR that I’ve used since I got my headset. Gives life to so many AAA games that just aren’t available in VR.
    Currently playing: Abzu, Mankind divided, FC5, Metro exodus, witcher 3. Insane.


    I hear ya man. I use it daily and am constantly trying lots of different games just to see how cool they look in 3DVR. It really does add tremendously to the gaming experience.

    For me it’s like poking your head into the actual virtual world these games were created in and exist – where these NPCs physically and eternally inhabit. Pretty neat feeling. I keep saying more gamers need to try this.

    Glad you continue to be as excited as I am. Keep on gamin.


    Vorpx plus Vive Pro is amazing because it’s so comfortable. I’m in there for multiple hours at a time.

    Check out the Fear 2 demo. I thought that was pretty impressive. Also F1 2012 is amazing and its not even G3D. Was on sale the other day for $5


    I just got it, and im impressed with rocket league. I have the HP WMR headset. Since its not directly supported I’m thinking I take a big performance hit. It displays on the monitor and my VR headset at the same time. If it was only pushing the game display to one I think I would get better performance. And while the games are indeed stereoscopic they don’t always end up immersive. Other games have been a mixed bag of success.


    i’m with you guys.

    vorpX is the best software purchase i made on my pc, EVER !

    VorpX is just incredibly powerful, a true gem of software engineering, kudos to Ralf for creating such a masterpiece !


    Yep, I feel bad for people waiting on VR content but afraid of VorpX and/or not willing to give it some learning curve time.


    Thanks guys, always nice to read something like this every now and then. Don’t overdo it with the praise though or one day I might be inclined to believe it and stop improving vorpX. ;)


    Oh it’s just terrible… ;)


    Thanks guys, always nice to read something like this every now and then. Don’t overdo it with the praise though or one day I might be inclined to believe it and stop improving vorpX. 😉

    Worst thing ever, better keep working on it. haha


    Es wäre schön wenn du Deutschland nicht den Rücken gekehrt hast, denn nicht jeder kann perfektes Englisch. Super Programm, das beste was ich seit langen gekauft habe. Du hast viele Kritiker die sagen das vorbX großer Mist ist, aber eher bestimmt weil viele zum Anfang keine gescheiten Ergebnisse erzielen und deshalb gleich aufgeben und das Programm zu Unrecht schlecht reden und damit andere vom kauf abschrecken.

    It would be nice if you did not turn your back on Germany, because not everybody knows perfect English. Great program, the best I’ve bought in a long time. You have a lot of critics who say the vorbX is big crap, but more likely because many do not get any good results at the beginning and therefore give up and mispronounce the program wrongly and thus discourage others from buying.

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