Control problem with Starfield

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  • #220122

    I’m using VorpX 24.1.0 (for the native Starfield support) on Oculus Rift S. I have set VorpX to use the Rift controllers in Controller emulation mode.

    If, at the Starfield prompt ‘Press any button to start’ I press a button on a genuine Xbox controller, then Starfield recognises this and displays appropriate on-screen prompts for in-game actions (docking, boarding a docked ship, undocking etc).

    However, if at the ‘Press any button to start’ prompt I press a button on the Rift controller, Starfield acts as if I pressed a button on the keyboard.

    Is there any way of making sure that VorpX is making button presses on the Rift controller look to Starfield as if they are button presses on an Xbox controller? Thanks.


    Some more information…

    If I don’t have VorpX running, then using an Xbox controller with Starfield woks as expected. However, if VorpX is running then, even when using an Xbox controller, Starfield input keeps switching back to keyboard/mouse.

    I’m guessing this is because VorpX is doing headtracking by emulating mouse input. In the VorpX Direct VR settings it says that head rotation is unavailable. Is that correct?


    IIRC the gamepad works half-natively, i.e. only the right stick rotation had to be overwritten to make mouse emulation heat tracking work. Tremendous progress compared to older Bethesda games that weren’t capable of accepting input from a mouse and gamepad simultaneously at all.

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