Could not hook: Vrpathreg.exe

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  • #166095


    I just bought Vorpx to hopefully use with my Pimax 4k that is equivalent to an HTC Vive (in terms of connectivity). But it does not work at all…

    The error “Injection failed: Unable to hook: vrpathreg.exe” constantly keeps popping up without even trying to launch a game… I found nothing on this error unfortunatly.

    The only change I made was in the device selection where I chose SteamVR (HTC Vive).
    The error occurs regardless of Steam and SteamVR, running or not, the error is there and I have nothing else, besides PiPlay (for the pimax) and Avast open.

    This is the steps I take: I open PiPlay on direct mode and connect the HMD, I then open Steam and launch steamVR. Untill this point the headset is working fine and is at the SteamVR Home. I then launch VorpX (the driver is up and running) and the error starts to pop up… From nothing… It’s frustrating! I have to close the driver orelse the errors keeps nagging me.

    I tried the full factory reset but it fails because it always detects 1 error.

    My specs: GTX 1070 strix, i5 6600k, 8GB RAM, 500Gb SSD
    Everything is up to date

    I apreciate any help and hopefully I can solve this. Otherwise I will ask for a refund.


    If this might help, there are 2 vrpathreg.exe, one x86 and one x64. They are located at …\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win32 on their designated x86/x64 folders.

    I would have edited the main post but I dont seem to find the edit button :S


    vorpX is not supposed to hook into that exe. It should be safe to ignore the message, but to avoid it alltogether, please add the .exe to the exclusion list in the vorpX config app.

    Normally everything in the SteamVR folder should be excluded automatically, apparently finding the Steam folder on your system fails for some reason.

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