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    if i start VorpX, it will selectable in the taskbar, but when i start it it reports me an error “This application could not be started” with a link, which leads me to the Framework-Troubleshooting page. I´ve tried re-installing Framework and re-installing VorpX, but the problem still remains.


    Odd. The actual vorpX application (‘Start vorpX’) doesn’t need the DotNet framework and the config app should just work with the DotNet framework that comes with Windows 10.

    If you happen to still be on Windows 7, make sure that the DotNet framework 4.6.2 is installed.


    Thanks for the fast reply!
    I run a system with Windows 10 pro. Frameworks is at 4.8 and it seems i can´t downgrade it.
    As i wanted to play Metro Redux, I recognized, that VorpX wanted to host it because i had forgotten to quit VorpX after another try to get it to run. However it doesnt work..


    That’s OK. on Windows 10 you shouldn’t have to do anything. The version you have installed should just work.

    When exactly did you see this error? when you tried to launch vorpX itself or when you tried to open the vorpX config app?


    I can start VorpX, so it appears on the taskbar, but when i want to open VorpX-Control i´ve got this error.
    Edit: I allreay tried through cmd and SFC “SCANNOW” command to search for failures but even after some fixes it still appears.


    Hi there.

    I have a similar problem. I installed vorpx with admin right 3 times. I have no anti virus software. Only the windows defender. I cant register vorpx because the dialog don’t show up. A vorpx process is running. I can see that in the task manger. No way for me to get it running.

    Please help me and happy new year.


    @ headspin:

    That sounds decisevely weird, vorpX control (the actual vorpX app that is started vie the “Start vorpX” shortcut) doesn’t use the DotNet framework at all. Only the config app does, but there shouldn’t be anything you have to do on Windows 10 to make that work. There is a repair tool from Microsoft that may help you to repair your DotNet install:

    @ eastevan:

    If the process that is running is named vorpControl.exe, vorpX is already running. Maybe you still had an older activation. If you see a ‘V’ icon close to your clock in the taskbar (or after clicking the small up arrow there) all is well.


    I don’t have a tray icon. I never installed vorpx before. I just bought it yesterday.:)


    you guys should have a discord. then we could easy send screenshots etc. :)

    Is there a way that you can send me a older version?


    Please first try a manual Windows update check in the Windows settings app to ensure that your Defender definitions are up-to-date.

    If that does not help, try to exclude the vorpX program folder from Windows Defender (typically that would be C:\Program Files (x86)\Animation Labs\vorpX).

    If that also doesn’t help, please send an e-mail to support at vorpx com.


    thx ralph. No chance for me to get it running i wrote to the support.

    Bob Duncan

    Same, got finished installing VorpX. Launched Oculus, launched steam then went to launch VorpX and get only error messages. Tried all of the above nothing helps. Thought I’d try a reinstall. So deleted VorpX and am now unable to reinstall it. I am unable to re-download it. Well I can redownload it but it now wants a NEW activation code. which I’m still waiting for.


    Your original key is still valid unless you reinstalled Windows or changed hardware in your PC.

    Bob Duncan

    cant find original key


    I have resent your key to the mail address that you used to register vorpX originally. Makes sense to save the installer as well as the key e-mail somewhere, the keys stays valid unless you make changes to your PC.

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