CP77 standalone mod bug

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    Image zoom is stuck on 0.85 max. Trying it with in game menu to change to lower value automatically reverts back to 0.85. Changing the user.ini values does change almost all values in the in game menu except image zoom which puts it back 0.85

    Any way to force a factory reset on the standalone mod as you can do with the main vorpx version? I need 1.00 minimum

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    Not a vorpX bug, actually a workaround for a CP2077 bug. The game has graphical glitches when raising the camera field of view above a certain point, mostly models/textures streaming in too late or not at all. The capped image zoom ensures that the camera FOV stays below the glitch inducing value.

    Lesser of two evils. All you loose are a few degrees of vertical FOV, which is way better than the broken geometry/texture streaming you’d get otherwise.


    I have extensively messed around with CP77 profile both pre and after PL and in game legion of individual action fov values using cyber engine tweaks. Major fov bugs are

    >maelstrom tutorial factory has dissapearing textures above values of 115 fov
    >dogtown stadium has popping textures above 115 fov around where the unique weapon vendor is (where V first time enters the market)
    >most cutscenes FOV cant be modified due to the way they have been programmed into the game. Most you can is “tier 3” and “tier 4” scenes which seem to be sometimes used to govern certain dialogue sequences
    >while driving in first person fov of around 110-120 causes major pop ins of textures
    Last one can be cicrumvented by keeping FPS the drive fov around 95 which keeps the pop ins at minimum. There are extensive mods that govern profiles of individual vehicles as driving in third person is pretty crap.

    What I am saying is that this current version absolutely is not the lesser of two evils. As it is the mod is now severely immersion breaking with a huge black bar of the edgepeek poking in at lower screen constantly reminding you are staring at a screen. Vs the occasional pop in with previous version.

    I have been recommending vorpx (payed version) for a while now as a general utility vr tool that allows some degree of freedom in costumizing your profiles and can have a big library of flats turned vr with some tinkering. As it is now I will certainly not continue doing this as I see you already have unified the payed Vorpx version profile and stand alone so there is no workaround

    Please can you at least meet half way with a compromise and instruct the program to accept manual edits in user files as pic above in my first post as the final values? This way you can still keep ultimate control over default plug and play profiles while still allowing costumization for those that need more freedom to mess around with it.


    The high FOV glitches happen almost everywhere to some degree.

    No promises, but I’ll consider making the workaround optional for the next update.


    Thank you very much for at least considering this request. I just got my quest 3 too and was looking forward to the much crispier visuals with the improved display (coming from Rift S). I guess the horizontal fov of the quest 3 is also slightly larger then rift S with the improved lenses as in previous version I remember setting image zoom sometimes to 0.93 for testing and not noticing the edgepeek much. With quest 3 its like a black void down there.

    And yes the fov glitches are everywhere. Specific cases I mentioned are the most severe ones with entire levels disappearing around you. Particularly the All foods factory (maelstrom tutorial level)


    Yes, Q3 has a higher FOV than Rift S. The vertical FOV displayed in CP2007 is the same as with your Rift S though, the horizontal FOV is actually higher, horizontically the full screen is utilized. So playing the game shouldn’t really be less immersive than before. :) But like said above, I’ll consider making the workaround optional.

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